
Learn the tricks of jewelry production with Bulunmaz Academy.
Join the wide range of jewelry classes from hand tools to CNC designing once learn production from the source.
Looking for a job? Graduate our programs ad get your Bulunmaz certificate approved by world-wide jewelry factories.


Diamond cutting

Hand Diamond Cut

Learn to combine different hand tools and create design with micro motor.

Duration: 3 days

Hand Engraving

Hand Engraving

Use hand engraving machine for hand crafted designs or stone setting your jewelry.

Duration: 3 days

Lathe Machine

Lathe Machine

Combine different diamond tools on your rings or bangles. Learn the tricks of best shine and comfort ring production.

Duration: 3 days

Faceting Machine

Faceting Machine

Learn to use faceting machine on rings, pendants, bangles or other jewelry. Use different attachments and combine diamond tools.

Duration: 3 days

CNC Design

CNC Design

Create 2D designs for your CNC machine. learn to combine tools and make tool path combinations. Learn tool tricks and beat the competition.

Duration: 1 week

Wedding ring production

Wedding ring production

Learn the entire production. Use for wedding ring production from melting to final design with diamond tools.

  • How to melt for the best safeness?
  • Soldering for the strongest rings.
  • Using lathe machine for smooth edges.
  • Hollow rings production manually
  • Hollow rings production with CNC lathe
  • Decoration of wedding rings
  • Final touch: plating, rhodium and polishing.

Duration: 1 week

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